Bastide of Creon

Bastide of English origin founded in 1315 by Amaury de Craon, Seneschal of the King of England, Créon was the seat of the great royal provostry of the Entre-deux-Mers until the Revolution. It has remained a commercial city with renowned markets and fairs and an intense associative and cultural life. The Place de la Prévôté, a square of 70 meters on each side, is characteristic of the bastides. Three of the sides are lined with arcades. The Church of Our Lady, built between 1316 and 1320, has been altered many times due to the vagaries of history. The site of the old train station has become the first Relais Vélo point in France, along the Roger Lapébie bicycle path.

Lire la suite  Bastide of Cadillac
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